Monday, February 23, 2009

Reflection on the New Teacher Panel

The new teacher panel, for me, was not very helpful.  I appreciate that they took their time to talk to us, but a lot of what was discussed I had already heard (my mom is a teacher) or could assume for myself from the things I have learned in classes.  I did think their view on teaching in a small school was interesting because that might be something I am interested in doing.

I did think it was kind of sad that students these days are not healthy and have low self-esteem.  Things are way different than when I was in elementary, middle, or even high school.  It is so sad that all kids know how to do is use the computer or play a video game.  I was outside getting dirty and getting bruises when I was in elementary school, not going on the internet on my personal laptop.

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't able to attend this lecture, so it's interesting to see your thoughts on how it went. My mom also works at school, so I'm sure the ideas the panel shared were things both of us have already heard from our parents.
    I agree with you on your second paragraph about self-esteem and technological issues. As much as I enjoy having access to computers, I feel like kids aren't learning to utilize mental processes like we had to do as kids; they simply go straight to the computer for answers.
